Eurasia Group | Italy Referendum a 'Make or Break' for Renzi

Italy Referendum a 'Make or Break' for Renzi

CNBC Squawk Box 
21 November 2016
Italy's prime minister has staked his future on a december 4 referendum

Early next month, Italians will head to the polls to cast their votes in a referendum that is pitting supporters who want to bring political stability and efficiency to one of the largest and costliest governments in the world against opponents who want Prime Minister Matteo Renzi out.  Renzi, who was already facing an uphill battle when he called for the vote, could not have foreseen that 2016 would be the year of 'throwing out the bums,' from Brexit to Trump.

Recent polls have Rezi heading for defeat, a reality which is driving some of his own supporters to level some uniquely Italian threats against the public, should the vote fail. Eurasia Group Europe analyst Federico Santi discussed the referendum on CNBC this Monday, mere weeks before the vote is to take place. 

Full video below.